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NativeWind uses the same theme values as as Tailwind CSS. You can read more about how to configure your project through the Tailwind CSS documentation

Per platform theme values

NativeWind exposes a function platformSelect that allows you to provide platform specific theme values.

platformSelect is the equivalent to

// tailwind.config.js

const { platformSelect } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
error: platformSelect({
// Now you can provide platform specific values
ios: "red"
android: "blue"
default: "green",

Per device theme values

React Native provides a number of utilities for creating styles based upon physical attributes of the device. These include the PixelRatio helpers and StyleSheet.hairlineWidth

NativeWind supports these through a set of exported helper functions that you can use in your tailwind.config.js


Equivalent of PlatformColor

// tailwind.config.js

const { platformColor } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
platformRed: platformColor("systemRed", "red"),


Equivalent of StyleSheet.hairlineWidth

// tailwind.config.js

const { hairlineWidth } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
borderWidth: {
hairline: hairlineWidth(),


Equivalent of PixelRatio.get()

If a number is provided it returns PixelRatio.get() * <value>

Otherwise it can accept an object and returns object[PixelRatio.get()] ?? PixelRatio.get()

// tailwind.config.js

const { pixelRatio } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
borderWidth: {
number: pixelRatio(2)
object: pixelRatio({
1: 1
1.5: 2
2: 4


Equivalent of PixelRatio.getFontScale()

If a number is provided it returns PixelRatio.getFontScale() * <value>

Otherwise it can accept an object and returns object[PixelRatio.getFontScale()] ?? PixelRatio.getFontScale()

// tailwind.config.js

const { getFontScale } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontSize: {
number: fontScale(2)
object: fontScale({
1: 10
1.5: 15
2: 20


Equivalent of PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize()

// tailwind.config.js

const { getPixelSizeForLayoutSize } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
size: {
custom: getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(2),


Equivalent of PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel()

// tailwind.config.js

const { roundToNearestPixel } = require("nativewind");

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
size: {
custom: roundToNearestPixel(8.4)